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Automatically manage presentations company-wide

Leanr is the central content hub that saves you massive amounts of time and money in organizing, updating, delivering, customizing and managing all of your company's sales and marketing materials, so your teams can focus on what really matters.

Leading companies rely on Leanr for higher
productivity and more security in presentation management.


Time and
cost savings

100% GDPR - compliant


Security and consistency
in sales

Leanr offers you the following advantages in these areas

A white laptop displays a webpage with a design layout in purple and white colors. An icon of a clock in a hand is shown in a circle at the top right.

Konsistenter Außenauftritt und mehr Zeit für Kundenkontakt

A computer monitor displays a presentation software interface. Below it are three icons representing search, checklist, and synchronization actions connected by dotted lines.

Bessere Organisation und effizientere Zusammenarbeit

A laptop is surrounded by icons representing a magnifying glass, a PowerPoint file, a checklist, a bell, and a clipboard with a checkmark, connected by a circular flow of dotted arrows.

Offene Aufgaben, Zuständigkeiten und Deadlines stets im Blick behalten

An illustration showing a computer screen with document management features, including options for a new version, PowerPoint files, and reports. Checkmark and cross icons are displayed at the bottom.

Reviews und Freigabeprozesse sicher managen

About us

We founded Leanr 2020 to put an end to everyday challenges in dealing with PowerPoint presentations. As a young, dynamic start-up, we take away all your worries when dealing with presentations.

What our customers say

About us

Leanr is available in German, English, French and Spanish, making it ideal for adapting to your needs
and for collaboration in international teams.

Horizontale dreifarbige Flagge mit schwarzen, roten und goldenen Streifen von oben nach unten.
Der Union Jack mit seinem blauen Hintergrund und den roten und weißen Kreuzen und Diagonalen stellt die Flagge des Vereinigten Königreichs dar.
Die Nationalflagge Frankreichs besteht aus drei vertikalen Streifen in Blau, Weiß und Rot.
Flagge Spaniens mit horizontalen Bändern in Rot, Gelb, Rot und dem Staatswappen in der Mitte des gelben Bandes.

Do you have any questions?

+49 69 8700 46780

Give us a call.

Write us an email.


Or contact us on LinkedIn.

A screen shot of the Dashboard of Leanr with a purple background.